Friday, October 28, 2011

You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike

Opened in 1946 Bellevue Square has over 185 shops and restaurants - none of which can be accessed without extensive backtracking for someone in a wheelchair.
A couple weekends ago, we went to the mall to buy our oldest grandson a new skateboard and a pocket knife. It had been quite a while since I'd been to Bellevue Square, the last time, I was walking with only the aid of a cane. 
This time, I wheeled my way around in my trusty chair. At least I attempted to.
Bellevue Square is like a spider web, with many of the "strands" connected by stairs. This is not to say that they don't have ramps to connect these paths, but there is no discernible method to their placement. Compounding the frustration is the fact that there is enough of a slope on each path so that you can't tell if the path leads to a ramp or a stair before you're on top of it. Several times we headed down one path, sure we would reach our destination, only to have to backtrack a fair distance to find one of the ramps.
A low-cost suggestion: Place signs at the start of each path. Have an arrow with the ADA wheelchair logo pointing to where the ramps are or a sign where the paths diverge that tells you stairs are ahead. 
It didn't help matters that the exercise and frustration had caused my blood sugar to drop. Purchases made, we set off to find one of the sit-down restaurants. This was also frustrating as Bellevue Square lacks a central food court. Restaurants are adjacent to retail shops, unless you venture to the streets outside the mall. 
So, after what seemed like endless wanderings, we made our way out of Macy's to the street. By now, I'm past the stammer and shake phase of low blood sugar and into the VERY drowsy phase. Yes, I know. I really should carry some glucose tablets or at least some candy. 
Normally, I avoid places like Red Robin. I find the  food much too salty for my diet. But, it was close and not crowded.
Lori told the young lady serving our table I was a diabetic and badly needed to get something in me quickly. Bless her heart, she raced off and brought me back a small juice and a plate of fries. She said that since they come with the meal anyway, no sense in waiting.
I'm still not fond of the food, but the service was spectacular!

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