Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wheeling around the Northwest

After many fits and false-starts, I'm ready to start posting my comments and observations on life in the Pacific Northwest as a person with limited mobility.
Due to disease, injury and surgery to repair some of the same, I find myself needing a wheelchair to cover any significant distance. 
Since acquiring this mode of transportation, I find I've also acquired a new perspective. I have to consider access issues before I decide to travel, whether it is to the grocery store, a friend's home or a state park to camp.
As an unashamed 'foodie' I'll be talking about restaurants in the Pacific Northwest, not only discussing their cuisine, but also their accessibility to the mobility impaired and their attitudes towards us.
Additionally, I'll be highlighting some places I've gone- the good and the bad- in my somewhat limited travels. This may include campgrounds, shopping or other venues that those who do not require assistance may take for granted.
Since I don't want this to turn into a bitter rant-fest, for every rant, I promise to post at least one rave, someone or someplace that is going above and beyond to make things a little easier for the mobility challenged.
So walk, limp, wheel or otherwise ambulate with me and let's see what we can find 

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